orphan train orphan train Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story Marilyn Coffey from books.google.com
Describes the orphan train movement through the eyes of one small child who yearns to know her "real" mother, survives a tortured childhood, when she encountered whippings and sexual abuse, and ultimately, as an adult, comes to terms with ...
orphan train orphan train Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story Marilyn Coffey from books.google.com
(The textbook version is titled: Adoption History: An Orphan's Research) Janine Myung Ja. Regarding the arrival into ... Marilyn June Coffey, author of Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story, gave a detailed depiction of the entire ...
orphan train orphan train Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story Marilyn Coffey from books.google.com
Discusses the placement of over 200,000 orphaned or abandoned children in homes throughout the Midwest from 1854 to 1929 by recounting the story of one boy and his brothers.
orphan train orphan train Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story Marilyn Coffey from books.google.com
Discover the true story of seven orphans who were settled with families in the Midwest by the Children's Aid Society.
orphan train orphan train Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story Marilyn Coffey from books.google.com
"Describes the people and events involved in the orphan trains.
orphan train orphan train Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story Marilyn Coffey from books.google.com
In this book, the author tells the true story of his paternal grandmother, the late Emily (Reese) Kidder, who, at the tender age of fourteen, became one of the aforementioned children who rode an Orphan Train.
orphan train orphan train Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story Marilyn Coffey from books.google.com
Learn about the homeless city children who were taken out West to have new homes in the early 1900s.
orphan train orphan train Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story Marilyn Coffey from books.google.com
Recounts the experiences of abandoned, orphaned, or homeless children from city orphanages in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who were sent out by the trainload to find families that would adopt them or take them as workers.
orphan train orphan train Mail-Order Kid: An Orphan Train Rider's Story Marilyn Coffey from books.google.com
From 1854 to 1929 about 150,000 orphans from New York City and the surrounding area were placed in homes in the Midwest and West. The children were sent out on "Orphan Trains."